New Year’s resolution: Stand up and be an ambassador for Rotary

By Rotary International

By Evan Burrell, Rotary Club of Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia

It’s a new year, and here’s something you can resolve to do for your club and for Rotary in 2017.

Think about the last time someone gave you a “word-of-mouth referral” that influenced your decision to do something. Maybe a friend shared a new favorite restaurant over Facebook, or your neighbour recommended a plumber. Or maybe it was that friendly suggestion to come along to a Rotary club meeting that got you involved in Rotary in the first place. Regardless, you probably acted on the referral, in part, because it came from someone you trust!

If you’re passionate about Rotary like I am, I encourage you this year to become an ambassador for your own club — and more importantly for Rotary — by using your “word-of-mouth refNNew erral” power. Here are a few things you can do:

Be Active online and offline. Being active online means posting, commenting, and sharing positive Rotary stories via social media. It’s that simple. Being active offline means you’ll need to be able to have meaningful and interesting conversations about Rotary and who we are and what we do to anyone and everyone.
Wear the Rotary Brand. Wear …read more

Source:: Rotary International Blog

Convention: Southern hospitality

By Rotary International The Atlanta Host Organization Committee is offering some good old-fashioned Southern hospitality at the Rotary International Convention from 10 to 14 June. It has planned a wide range of activities featuring everything from good food and music to inspiring tours of local landmarks. If it’s your first convention, these events are chances to meet fellow Rotarians from around the world, and if you’re an experienced convention goer, you can catch up with old friends.
Hall of Fame baseball player Hank Aaron will host Rotarians for a “Strike Out Polio” night at the new SunTrust Park, where you’ll… …read more


Member interview: Writer sheds light on FDR’s right-hand woman

By Rotary International Battling breast cancer in 2000, Kathryn Smith found comfort pursuing her lifelong interest in Franklin D. Roosevelt. The more she read, the more intrigued she became with the 32nd U.S. president’s private secretary, Marguerite Alice “Missy” LeHand. “I thought, what a fascinating life she had because she was by his side through the polio crisis, establishing the polio rehabilitation center in Warm Springs and then after his return to politics,” she says. Smith, a past president of the Rotary Club of Greater Anderson, S.C., and a longtime newspaper journalist, turned that curiosity into a book… …read more


Member spotlight: The power of the press

By Rotary International When Teguest Yilma helped found the Rotary Club of Addis Ababa Entoto in 2002, she thought polio had already been eradicated from most of the world. But while Ethiopia had been free of the disease, Yilma was shocked to learn that new cases had started cropping up in surrounding countries such as Somalia.
“I was thinking, it’s not possible, we can’t be free if the countries around us are not free,” she says. Yilma, the managing editor of Capital, Ethiopia’s largest English weekly newspaper, has brought a journalist’s skills to the fight against polio. She became vice chair of the Ethiopia… …read more


The Rotarian Conversation with Ban Ki-moon

By Rotary International One of United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s earliest memories is of fleeing with his family into the mountains during the Korean War, his village burning behind him. His father and grandfather had to forage for food in the woods; his mother gave birth to his siblings away from anything remotely resembling a health facility. “I have known hunger,” he says. “I have known war, and I have known what it means to be forced to flee conflict.”
The soldiers who came to their rescue were flying the blue flag of the United Nations. The UN provided them with food and their schools with books…. …read more


A taste of independence

By Rotary International Modena, Italy, is known for fine things. The region is home to manufacturers of Ferrari, Maserati, and Lamborghini automobiles. It’s where the artisan cheese Parmigiano-Reggiano is made, as well as Lambrusco wine. And it’s the only place in the world that produces traditional balsamic vinegar. The vinegar is a delicacy – sweeter and thicker than the kind usually found on restaurant tables, refined and aged in casks up to 25 years. The process has been handed down from generation to generation; the casks are often bequeathed to children or used to celebrate milestones such as weddings and… …read more


Culture: Life in the bike lane

By Rotary International Like a lot of us, I spent much of my childhood riding bikes, but fell out of the habit for a while. Forty years. Then my wife and I moved to New York, where cyclists risk their necks in a daily Thunderdome of cabs, police cars, firetrucks, double-decker buses, messengers on motorbikes, and delivery trucks backing around corners at 20 miles an hour. Not for me! At least not until my 50th birthday, when my metabolic furnace flamed out. Calories started going directly from beer bottle to beer belly. It was time to start exercising. Either that or give up Samuel Adams, and I couldn’t do that to… …read more


Our top 5 stories of 2016

By Rotary International

The Rotary Club of Alanya International, Turkey, with confetti and cake.

The Rotary Club of Alanya International, Turkey, celebrates with confetti and cake.

By Rotary Voices staff

As the year draws to a close, we recap our top five stories of the year (based on number of views):

You might think Michael Bucca, a 32-year-old member of a Rotary Club in New Jersey, might try and modernize his club’s way of doing things. But Bucca shares why he feels Rotary’s trademark practice of drawing professionals together for face to face meetings has much to offer younger perople. Read What 30-Somethings need to know about Rotary.
How did your club celebration Rotary’s anniversary on 23 February? More than 25 clubs shared images of their celebration. See the slideshow.
The Council on Legislation in April passed progressive new measures that allow clubs greater flexibility in tailoring their structure to meet the needs of their members. Read General Secretary John Hewko’s blog post on What defines a Rotary club.
Evan Burrell, a frequent blog contributor and member of the Rotary Club of Turramura, New South Wales, Australia, muses on how clubs can reach young professionals. It may seem like young members are as elusive to catch as Pokémon, Burrell writes, but with the right …read more

Source:: Rotary International Blog

Rotarianos participam de Audiência Jubilar no Vaticano

By Anonymous

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Rotarianos participam de Audiência Jubilar no Vaticano
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Submitted by CeciliaL on 29-Dec-2016 1:42 pm



Contato: Patrick Nunes, +1 (847) 866-3097,

Papa Francisco agradece ao Rotary pelo empenho na erradicação da pólio e pede aos associados que continuem as campanhas de vacinação

Vaticano (30 de abril de 2016) — Cerca de 9.000 associados do Rotary de diversos países participaram da Audiência Jubilar na Praça São Pedro, a convite do Papa Francisco.

Uma delegação liderada pelo presidente do Rotary International, K.R. Ravindran, conheceu o Papa após a Audiência, onde ele enfatizou a importância das vacinações contra a poliomielite e pediu ao Rotary que continue.

O pontífice segue a mesma linha dos Papas Paulo VI e João Paulo II no que diz respeito à conexão com o Rotary para incentivar o apoio a um mundo mais pacífico e compassivo.

“É uma honra muito grande participar da Audiência”, disse Ravindran. “O Papa Francisco inspirou homens e mulheres do mundo inteiro – …read more


Making connections through the Travel and Hosting Fellowship

By Rotary International

Tilak during a visit to RI World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA

Tilak Thapa Magar during a visit to RI World Headquarters in Evanston, Illinois, USA

By Tilak Thapa Magar, a member of the Rotary Club of Kathmandu North East, Nepal

I joined Rotary in 2012, and as a tourism entrepreneur in Nepal, quickly became acquainted with the International Travel and Hosting Fellowship. In the course of my work promoting tourism opportunities in Nepal, I have traveled to Europe and Asia extensively, and to the United States three times. But I had never had an opportunity to plan a visit and make “connections” with other Rotary members through the Travel Hosting Fellowship.

Last year, I contacted fellowship members through email and to my big surprise received an overwhelming response from many of them with an invitation to visit them. They wanted to host me during my visit.

I had a two day travel show for Nepal Tourism Promotion in Philadelphia already planned in March, and when I landed, was invited to join a multi-district President-Elect Training Seminar in District 7210. My fellowship visit officially kicked off a few days later with a visit to a Nepalese family in New York City. (I carved out time for a two-day side trip to Niagara Falls, which …read more

Source:: Rotary International Blog