Dave Stumpf during a training ride.
By Dave Stumpf, Rotary staff
On one of my travels for Rotary, I visited our offices in New Delhi, India, in 2002. One image has always stuck with me since – that of a little girl begging on a train platform.
She was clearly afflicted with something terrible, impacting her ability to stand much less walk. My local hosts explained that she likely had polio. Now, I have my own 12-year-old daughter, and to know that she is safe from the scourge of polio, just because she had the good fortune to be born in the United States – well, it should be everyone’s good fortune to be protected from this disease.
Persistence pays
I’m excited to be doing the Miles to End Polio bike ride as part of El Tour de Tucson this November for a number of reasons. I’ve worked with Rotary in various capacities since 1995, principally in our accounting group and currently in our Auditing Services group. I’ve had the ability to work many International Assemblies and International Conventions, giving me the opportunity to meet people from all over the world, which would not have happened, had I not been part of Rotary.
To me, the …read more
Source:: Rotary International Blog