Evan Burrell reveals his “superhero” Rotary identity.
By Evan Burrell, a member of the Rotary Club of Turramurra, New South Wales, Australia, and a regular contributor
I’m sure that, as a child, you had a favorite superhero. Maybe it was Batman or Superman or Wonder Woman or even Spiderman, weaving webs or leaping tall buildings in a single bound to help those in need.
Now that we’re older, we know all too well that that sort of superhero is hard to find. But do you know the easiest place to find modern-day superheroes? Your local Rotary club! And they don’t even hide behind a secret identity.
Much like our comic book counterparts, Rotary members are regular people who go about their daily lives until “the call comes in.”
Through our membership in Rotary, we are able to make a difference in many different ways.
Recently, Rotarians joined other volunteers in immunizing thousands of children against polio during a one-day End Polio Now immunization drive in Pakistan. Rotary superheroes leapt to action in Gujarat, India, launching a program to put books into the hands of children from low-income families. Other superheroes formed a new Rotarian Action Group aimed at protecting the world’s most endangered species. Several years …read more
Source:: Rotary International Blog